Thursday 28 March 2013

Example Portfolio for OCAD and Emily Carr (Accepted)

These are a few examples of the work I put in my portfolios for OCAD and Emily Carr. This does NOT include everything nor does every work appear in both portfolios. This is just a rough idea of what can get you into the programs with relatively high scores. 

Be sure to have a good sketchbook (the last three are examples of my coloured works in sketchbooks)! When I went to OCAD, they did not even look at my other work closely, they just took the sketchbook, flipped through it, and asked me some questions (HINT: If they ask you about something other than art, congratulations, chances are you strike their interest and they just want to know what type of a person you are!).

This is one of the works used specifically for OCAD's industrial design.

Thanks for viewing!
As always, feel free to email me as I am available to help!

Portfolio for Sheridan Illustration (Accepted)

These are the works from the drawing test. There are too many things for the personal creations so I will leave that up to your imagination. My overall score out of this section was 35/40. My overall total score was 70/100. This year's cut-off score was 59. 

These drawings were done quite last minute, two days before the deadline. It's okay to procrastinate a bit since these are NOT supposed to take very long ;D

A figure seated. I drew my friend while she was playing a cellphone game in the cafeteria. Certainly a great way to get a good model since cellphones keep them busy but still! It is unnecessary to add in backgrounds, so just a few quick scribbles will do to improve the atmosphere.

A figure doing an everyday activity. This was my dad putting on his shoe in the middle of the night just for posing. These pictures have to be drawn quickly since poses like this are hard to keep for an extended period of time. Go for 5 minutes! Thanks, dad~

This was a friend standing up for posing, in the cafeteria again. Always make sure your model is resting on something if they are not experienced posers, it will make it easier for them to hold a pose. The wall was added so she didn't look like she was....floating and off-balance.

 Transformation of still life objects. I used the same one in my animation portfolio since it is essentially the same thing and I was running low on time.

My cousin in his room. I blocked in all the rough lines with the pen while he was staring at a movie and finished it afterwards. Good thing is that he is a serious otaku and will not move much.

Our dining room! Since nothing really moves, it's alright to spend more time on this one. I think it took me one or two hours...? Though, try to finish it in one sitting since the daylight and environment outside changes and that can be quite a hassle later.

And that is it! As always, I'm always happy to help ^^

Accepted to Sheridan Animations! (portfolio and score sheet)

Hello! I'm so excited to be admitted to Sheridan! I have received my scores today for Sheridan's Animation Program, overall I think I did pretty well.
Here it is (minus personal art and life drawings, too large to scan ;u;)
Here we go!

Here is the table of contents. It is always a good idea to have one to improve the overall presentation of your work. This is free-handed so it looks quite wonky, but it does the job.

Hand drawings, before and after. I did not do very well on the structure and proportions of the hands, and the lines were slightly too narrow.

Character rotation, action sheets, and expression. These all got perfect scores! The key is to work with a character you truly enjoy drawing to bring out a sense of life. I have gotten attached to her, named her Botan , Japanese for peony!

Storyboarding, nearly a perfect score (two 3s). A story about the NEW-CLEAR pen. Please tell me you can understand this pun, no one seems to ;u;

Household objects, before and after. Perfect scores! This actually took a lot of thought, since it has to be creative for the higher grades. Personally I would not recommend doing something so detailed, it is not necessary and it's actually a bit distracting. 

Finally, the room line drawings. Also a perfect score. I just sat down in two areas of my home and drew what I saw. No ruler used here, but I recommend using rulers since it is easier to draw straight lines. I just really hate rulers since I can't seem to hold them without them sliding all over the paper...

The score sheet. I censored some info, hehe. Make sure to READ THE SCORE SHEET given to you beforehand! I was going to redo my room line since it was not creative at all, but I didn't since there was no category for it after I checked, which saved me two hours of work. 

Sorry, there is no life drawing and personal art! I am sure you will find better examples out there since they were very average anyways (rushing is not good!).

I will post the works that got me accepted into Emily Carr's animation, Sheridan illustration, and OCAD's industrial design later on.

I will always be available for help and questions!