Thursday 28 March 2013

Accepted to Sheridan Animations! (portfolio and score sheet)

Hello! I'm so excited to be admitted to Sheridan! I have received my scores today for Sheridan's Animation Program, overall I think I did pretty well.
Here it is (minus personal art and life drawings, too large to scan ;u;)
Here we go!

Here is the table of contents. It is always a good idea to have one to improve the overall presentation of your work. This is free-handed so it looks quite wonky, but it does the job.

Hand drawings, before and after. I did not do very well on the structure and proportions of the hands, and the lines were slightly too narrow.

Character rotation, action sheets, and expression. These all got perfect scores! The key is to work with a character you truly enjoy drawing to bring out a sense of life. I have gotten attached to her, named her Botan , Japanese for peony!

Storyboarding, nearly a perfect score (two 3s). A story about the NEW-CLEAR pen. Please tell me you can understand this pun, no one seems to ;u;

Household objects, before and after. Perfect scores! This actually took a lot of thought, since it has to be creative for the higher grades. Personally I would not recommend doing something so detailed, it is not necessary and it's actually a bit distracting. 

Finally, the room line drawings. Also a perfect score. I just sat down in two areas of my home and drew what I saw. No ruler used here, but I recommend using rulers since it is easier to draw straight lines. I just really hate rulers since I can't seem to hold them without them sliding all over the paper...

The score sheet. I censored some info, hehe. Make sure to READ THE SCORE SHEET given to you beforehand! I was going to redo my room line since it was not creative at all, but I didn't since there was no category for it after I checked, which saved me two hours of work. 

Sorry, there is no life drawing and personal art! I am sure you will find better examples out there since they were very average anyways (rushing is not good!).

I will post the works that got me accepted into Emily Carr's animation, Sheridan illustration, and OCAD's industrial design later on.

I will always be available for help and questions!


  1. Hi I'm applying to Sheridan animation as well (I'm in art fundies this year since I didn't get in last year) and I was wondering what kind of personal artwork you used. I'm planning on making a movie poster for my character, an Impressionistic style painting and a layout style drawing of a scene from my character's movie. I'll probably use some life drawings for the other two works. Do you think this would be appropriate? My lowest scores from last year were mostly found in my personal drawings.

    1. For my personal works I used acrylic paintings (portraits, still life, nature) and some industrial designs (water faucets and cameras). I also used some personal work, such as abstract, sculpture, and cartoony paintings. Since most of the portfolio is based on cartoony elements and life drawing, adding things that are very different from the requirements is a good idea. For this area, they want to see what interests you, so just put in things that you are proud of. Your poster and painting is a good idea, but try to replace the layout and life drawings with something different (they've already seen hundreds of those, put in something that sets you apart).

    2. Thank you so much! Also for the still life, I was thinking of adding snow, ice and frost to the second drawing instead of going for the destruction look that most people use, do you think that would be creative enough?

    3. I think that would depend on the objects you are using. If you want to use snow, ice, and frost, perishable items such as fruits would be a good idea (if you also combine it with "time"), or even water in a jar (since cold will expand the water into ice and crack the jar open). Using objects that react with cold are best for this. The still life's creativity comes from how you change the objects, so most people like destruction to drastically change the objects' condition. There is not much of a change if the objects are covered in a sheet of anything, as they will stay the same shape, so find things that will change with the addition of cold elements!

    4. Yeah I was thinking of having some glass bottles knocked over with icicles and ice forming underneath and having some flowers and and a fern curled up and covered with frost. I see your point about the perishable items so I'll probably add some fruit to make a summer themed still life that becomes winter.

  2. Hi jinniexy, Im applying to sheridan animation and Im almost done my portfolio, can you check out some of my stuff?
    Great job on the portfolio, it really help me thanks! d (^_^) b

    1. Hello! Of course I can take a look, link me to your gallery/blog or email me at Glad that this helped you ^^

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ok here is the site

    4. this one

  3. this might be a bit too late to ask, but can you help me out with a few things?
    1. is that col erase or normal blue colour pencil for your construction work?
    2. what do you use to make the final linework? (are those fineliners? :o )
    3. does the character has to feel cartoony (like really thin or round and exaggerated in some places) or a little anatomically correct character can get good scores too?
    p.s. really cool work... you're probably making amazing stuff now! i got the new clear pen pun xD

    1. No problem, happy to help!
      1. Both work magically, I used blue col-erase (do not buy the light blue, it's impossible to see).
      2. a mechanical pencil (which is not that effective, highly suggest using black col-erase or carbon pencils).
      3. You can get good scores as long as you can turn the character around! I've seen cartoons, realistic, and anime characters.
      THANKS goodness you are probably the only one who understood that pun hahaha! If you would like to see my current work I'm on instagram as jindraws! : )

    2. Thanks soo much! Could you please tell me the brand of mechanical pencil you used? cos where i live, it is difficult to find the right stuff! and one last thing! does good line quality mean the same thickness of line all over or making meaty parts thicker and bony parts lighter??
      And damn, i'm going to follow you right away! You've helped me so much and you're an amazing artist anyways ;)

    3. Any mechanical pencil with a 2B lead is good! I would recommend 0.7mm lead since I like thicker lines, but 0.5mm is the standard.
      Line quality means that there is a variation of lines, rather than one uniform line. I kind of understand it as darker on straights and shadowed areas and lighter on curves, but there are many ways to go about it.
      Thanks for following me! I really appreciate it ^^
